Access to “cutting-edge technology” isn’t what makes a recruiting firm good at what they do
Above the Law recently featured an article essentially promoting an AI recruitment tool. This article claims the tool will “disrupt” the recruiting process, and I don’t doubt it, just not in a way that benefits anyone except those profiting off the tool itself. Access to “cutting-edge technology” isn’t what makes a recruiting firm stand out from the pack, I don’t think anyone would say that automated phone systems are helping any corporation integrating them stand out from the pack. I don’t think there will ever be a time when a direct, hands-on approach with a real human professional isn’t the absolute highest tier of service.
Why a Cover Letter is One of the Most Important Letters You Will Write
The cover letter that accompanies your employment resume is perhaps one of the most important letters you will ever write. Other than your resume, it is the single key document that will introduce you to a prospective employer and, if well-written, pave the way to that all-important job interview. It is an integral part of your overall job hunting campaign, and it can make or break you, depending upon how well it is written. Construction of this document should therefore be given very careful attention. The care that you give to writing this letter will certainly be a major factor in getting your job search off to an excellent start. Conversely, a poorly written letter will surely scuttle your campaign before it even begins.
7 Key Factors To Consider When Choosing A Law Firm:
Choosing the right law firm involves evaluating factors such as firm size, practice area focus, and firm culture. By considering these factors, you can confidently navigate your legal career.
Harvard Career Expert Explains The No. 1 ‘Desirable Skill’ That Very Few People Have
When young people ask me for career advice, I always tell them: “Don’t just focus on your own accomplishments. Be a collaborator.”
Through a decade of teaching and research at Harvard’s business and law schools, I discovered an important and often overlooked insight: People who figured out how to collaborate across teams gained a major competitive edge over those who did not.
The advantages of collaboration skills
When it comes to hiring, smart collaborators are highly desirable candidates. They deliver higher quality results, get promoted faster, are more noticed by senior management, and have more satisfied clients.
But here’s what shocked me the most: Collaboration skills are surprisingly rare, especially among men.
A 2021 McKinsey study found that women leaders, compared with men at their same level, were about twice as likely to spend substantial time on collaborative efforts that fell outside their formal job.
How to be an exceptional collaborator
Being a collaborator isn’t easy. But the primary goal is simple: bringing people together to solve problems and learn something new.
Managing The Hybrid Office Of The Future With A Couple Clicks
Hybrid work models appear to be the way of the future for the legal industry and while firms will spend the short-term fretting about mentorship and face time, the long-term challenge will be office space. There’s not much reason to be dropping big bucks on floorspace that sits vacant 40 percent of the time. In a lot of ways, with hybrid work as multi-year leases expire, more firms will have to grapple with fundamentally reimagining the legal office.
20 Questions to Ask During a Legal Job Interview
It’s important that candidates show an interest in the law firm or organization and treat the interview like a conversation. One of the best ways to do this is by asking thoughtful questions--not just questions whose answers readily appear on the firm’s or organization’s website. To help jumpstart the process, below find 21 interview questions to ask during a legal job interview.
20 Interview Questions Top Law Firms Ask
In this year’s survey of nearly 18,000 law firm associates, we asked them what they’ll be asking you! Below is a sampling of the questions associates at Vault’s Top 10 law firms were either asked in their interviews or ask law students when they are doing the interviewing.